Become a certified test administrator today
Administration of the Dysmate tests requires completion of a certification course. This can be done either through online course or by taking part in a one-day course.
Please note that the certification courses are only for people with relevant professional qualifications, e.g., qualified teachers (primary or secondary level), specialist teachers (SENCO or SENDCO), speech therapists, educational psychologists or similar. The courses include a free one-month trial license for the child, adolescent or adult tests. The trial license includes two free tests and can be used immediately upon completion of the certification course.
You can become a certified test administrator already today by taking the certification course online.
The course consists of video lectures and knowledge tests which will take you through everything you need to know in order to conduct the tests and be able to interpret the results. Course participants receive information about the research behind the Dysmate tests and about their development, technical administration and how to interpret test results and test profiles.
After registering for the course, you get 30 days´ access to all materials.
It takes approximately three hours to complete the course.
The video lectures are made so that you can take short learning sessions, and continue later. In addition to video lectures, the course contains practical examples and technical administration videos, and it shows how the tests are used in different situations.